
The daily exploits of a pencil pusher...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Figure Drawing


Lately I've been missing life drawing. Particularly drawing the clothed figure in an illustrative setting. In school we did plenty of it but I always felt the costumes were kind of cheesy and second rate. The photo I did this drawing from came from The Drawing Club's blog and their workshops look amazing and inspired. Alas I'm in Chicago and not LA, so no Drawing Club workshop for me. As you can see, drawing from a photo doesn't reward one with the same loose and spontaneous quality you would get from drawing the figure from life. It feels kind of stilted and careful, and that's probably because I had more time to work on it than I would if the person were actually there in front of me. If anything it was a good exercise in getting me familiar with full figure drawing, as well as messing around with mixed media. But if anyone knows of any good clothed figure drawing workshops in Chicago let me know, It's time my rusty skills got a little greased!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

MF Doom illustration

Done on board with acrylic


Sketch bucket

These are some sketches done recently in various books

sketchbook doodles

sketchbook doodles

sketchbook doodles

moleskin doodles

moleskin doodles

moleskin doodles



Sunday, December 11, 2005



it's cold in these here parts

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Like Rip van Winkle

Too much has been going on for me to keep up with the posting. I've got plenty of new sketches to put up as well as other goodies so expect them soon. I apologize for the abrupt disappearance but day job + personal work = broke ass Eugene!

On another note: I am available for commissions such as this Old School Iron Man I did about a month ago;

Old School Iron Man commission

full watercolor finishes - $175
pen & ink - $110
pencil finish - $70

All commissions done on heavy duty cold press watercolor paper and are in the 11 x 14/12 x 16 size (default size, I'll work bigger or smaller and price accordingly). Could take up to two weeks, shipping included.

I'll be back

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


This is what i've currently been working on aside from Monstercake.
It's for an upcoming show at the Judy Saslow Gallery in Chicago. I believe its 50 artists each painting a primed skull. There's no deep meaning in this here piece, just me having fun painting on something three dimensional. True, its political, but to all you Republicans I've got one thing to say; you hate me because I am free.










Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Bush Bang!

The Bush Bang

I've been a little neglectful of everydaysketch lately, what with Monstercake, as well as the obligatory job, and the encroaching deadline for a three dimensional piece for an upcoming show I am participating in.

I'll get my poo together....someday

Friday, August 19, 2005